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Book Review – The Color of Magic

I finally finished reading The Color of Magic this week, which is actually the third time I’ve read it.  It’s been at least 10 years since the last time and it was almost like reading again for the first time.

The Color of Magic is the first of Terry Pratchett‘s novels set in a fantasy realm called Discworld.  The story follows two main characters – Rincewind, a wizard of sorts, and Twoflower, a visitor to the city, Ahnk-Morpork.  They have several adventures and meet many fantastic characters and creatures throughout the book, including thieves, warriors, dragons, and even Death.  The book is separated into four short but linked stories that could stand alone, but do flow one into the next.

When I first set foot in Discworld, I was probably around 12 years old.  At that time, Terry Pratchett spun a tale of whimsy and happiness.  I took note of those things a normal 12-year-old would, the escape into an alternate reality that was clearly more exciting than our own.

The second time in was just a few years later and not much had changed, although I do remember finding it much more comical than before. The interactions between Death and Rincewind are great.

This time is took me much longer to read it than ever before.  It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy it as much as previously, because I did.  It was because I spent about half the time reading and the other half thinking about a passage in the book.  Pratchett touches on politics, religion, and common misconceptions. There is so much depth in his writing, so much philosophy and satire, that I completely missed previously.  Pratchett obviously has a great sense of humor but within that humor lies deep contemplation and intelligence.

Overall Grade:  4/5 stars (only because one of his other books is the bar I’m using for a 5/5)

If anyone else has read it, I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts and reactions to it too.

Cover of "The Color of Magic"

Cover of The Color of Magic

The Rabbit Hole

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